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Year 2

Welcome to year Two!


Our English work this term will be inspired by our Theme topic ‘Through the key hole: Kings and Queens’ . Through this we will be reading books including Rapunzel, The dragon machine, Little People Big dreams – King Charles III and Zog We will be learning about the features of a variety of texts and then writing our own pieces, this will include a setting description, a fact file and a non – chronological report.


We will start the year with focussing on place value and numbers up to 100, this will include recognising them as well as ordering and comparing them. We will then move on to addition and subtraction.


This term we will be starting with the History unit ‘Through the key hole: Kings and Queens’ We will be finding out about significant kings and queens of out past incuding King Henry VIII, Queen Victoria, Queen Elizabeth II and King Charles. We will also be learning about Jubilees and coronations.


Our first Science unit of the term is ‘Healthy Me’ We will be learning about how to stay healthy including the importance of exercise. We will also be looking at the materials a helmet is made from in this unit. Our second unit of the term is ‘Material monsters’, where we will be looking at the properties of materials and investigating why certain objects are made from that material


The children will be working concentrating on drawing, we will be looking at how to illustrate a story including how to show expression of characters. We will then be publishing our own book.

Design and Technology

In DT, the children we will be making a moving monster, we will look at the mechanisms of the moving monster then create our own.


Our RE unit this term is ‘Creation and Covenant’ we will be focussing on the story of Noah and the covenant that God made with Noah. We will also be focussing on what a sin is and stewardship.

Supporting your child at home

There is an expectation that children will read at home daily. Please ensure that you note what has been read in your child’s reading diaries and send these to school every day.

Other classroom Information

Please make sure that your child has their water bottle and book bag in school every day. Children need to wear PE clothes on Thursday. Please make sure that it is appropriate for the weather for outside lessons.


Thank you for your continued support. I am sure we will continue to have a fantastic year and have a lot of fun (there will be a lot of work as well).

The Year 2 teaching team (Mrs Batchelor, Mrs Cook and Mrs Monk)