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Spring Term 

Welcome back! We hope you had a lovely Christmas and New Year.  

This half term, we will be looking at ‘People who Help Us’ and thinking about miracles that Jesus performed. In Phonics we will be learning lots of new digraphs and trigraphs as well as continuing to practise segmenting and blending whilst reading. In Maths we will be consolidating our understanding of numbers to 10 and their composition. We will also be learning about 3D shapes and length, height and time.  


Our PE day will remain on a Friday. Please ensure that your child comes to school wearing the correct PE kit. As it is still very cold and we may be outside, the children need to wear their PE jumper and trousers (rather than shorts). They should also be wearing suitable black PE shoes.  


We complete 3 reading lessons a week, following the Little Wandle scheme, where we listen to your child read. Phonics reading books (Big Cat) are sent home on a Thursday and need to be returned the following Monday. Please try to return the books in the condition they come to you. These books are in continual use for other children and are expensive to replace. Children can change their ‘Reading for pleasure’ books whenever they are finished with them. Although we give gentle reminders, it is the child’s responsibility to change this book. Thank you for your support so far during this academic year.  


We hope that you are enjoying following your child’s learning journey on Tapestry. If you haven’t yet logged on to Tapestry, please have a go and let Mrs Torrington know if you have any problems. It is possible to create your own observations if your child has done some learning at home that you would like to share.  


Please ensure that your child brings their water bottle every day. This should contain fresh water please, rather than squash or flavoured water. 

Please make sure that all uniform is named. 


Many thanks for your ongoing support,  

Mrs Mortimer, Miss Houghton and Mrs Mundora